Sunday, June 10, 2007


Picked Olive up from ABC, despite the delay they have done a really good job for us, so happy at last.

The down side was that the power had been left on so all the batteries were knackered, four of them, and not a volt between them.

Somehow in going flat they had taken out the ignition fuse - which we found when we tried to start the engine to drive off the boat lift.

The end game was we spend an extra day at Amble marina (worth a visit if you are coming this way)

Forecast for coming back to the Tyne was for patchy fog. We left a 20.00hrs in a patch that went all the way to Tynemouth! Unfortunately I'd forgotten to pack the power unit for my laptop and didn't have a working chart plotter so we had to go into the Tyne on a GPS bearing of the latitude of the North Pier. The fog horn was going and certainly helped put us in the right place. The sea reach was very thick in fog and we couldn't see from one buoy to the next. Afrain we wandered around a bit between the two greens we wanted to take us into the river proper. But it all turned out all right in the end.

Todays job is to order a radar!


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